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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We have obtained the "Privacy Mark" from the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC), which is granted to businesses that handle personal information in an appropriate manner.


Personal Information Protection Policy

The main business of Inforce Co., Ltd. is the sale of banner systems, computers and peripheral equipment, the development, manufacture and sale of software, and various related services. In order to properly handle all personal information used for our business, we have established this Personal Information Protection Policy as a standard of conduct to be observed by all employees of our company.

  1. Our company has established a Personal Information Protection Management System in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "Personal Information Protection Management System - Requirements" (JIS Q 15001) to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and guidelines related to the handling of personal information set by the government. We will operate this system appropriately.

  2. Taking into consideration the nature and scale of our business, we will collect, use, and provide personal information in a proper manner. This includes not handling personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve specific purposes and taking measures to prevent such handling.

  3. When entrusting the handling of all or part of personal information to a third party, we will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the secure management of the entrusted personal information.

  4. Unless with the individual's consent or as required by law, we will not provide personal information to third parties.

  5. We will implement measures to prevent and correct the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

  6. We are committed to responding promptly and appropriately to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information. We also accept requests for disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction/addition or deletion, and cessation of use or provision of personal information that we hold. For procedures regarding such requests, please contact the "Personal Information Complaint and Consultation Desk" provided below.

  7. We will continuously improve our Personal Information Protection Management System.

Established: April 1, 2005 Revised: February 1, 2018 Inforce Co., Ltd. President and CEO: Hiroshi Morita

Personal Information Complaint and Consultation Desk

(For requests related to disclosure of subject personal information and complaints, please contact us at the following.)


Inforce Co., Ltd. Personal Information

Protection Manager: Hiroshi Morita, CEO

Union Building Koshin 3rd Floor, 2-9-3 Kanda Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021

Phone Number: 03-6206-0727

[Name and Contact for Certified Personal Information Protection Organization for Filing Complaints]

Certified Personal Information Protection Organization Name: Japan Information Economy Society Promotion Association Contact for Complaint Resolution: Certified Personal Information Protection Organization

Office Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan

Phone Numbers: 03-5860-7565


[This is not the contact for inquiries regarding our products or services.]

Handling of Personal Information in Our Company

(Disclosures based on the Personal Information Protection Act and JIS, and matters made easily accessible to the data subject)

Purpose of Use of Personal Information
We hereby announce the following purposes of use of personal information handled by our company in light of the fact that our main business is the sale of banner systems, computers and peripheral equipment, the development, manufacture and sale of software, and various related services.

1.Personal information handled in the course of business entrusted to us by our business partners.

  • To appropriately design, produce, and operate web systems on behalf of our business partners
  • To perform marketing outsourcing services as entrusted by our business partners

2. Personal information of business partners

  • To properly manage the contents of contracts with our business partners

3. Personal information of those who wish to join our company

  • To provide and communicate employment and recruiting information, etc. to those who are interested in employment and those who have applied for employment

  • To perform recruitment and selection procedures.

4. Personal information of those who have inquired about our company

  • To improve our customer service attitude, etc.

  • To accurately understand and respond to inquiries and communications

5. Organizational Safety Measures

  • The Company has established a person responsible for handling personal data, clarified the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, established a system for reporting to the person responsible in the event that a violation of the law or handling regulations is detected or any sign of such violation is detected, and regularly conducts self-inspections of the status of personal data handling. In addition to conducting self-inspections, audits are conducted by other departments and outside parties.

  • The Company provides regular training to employees on matters to keep in mind regarding the handling of personal data, includes in its employment regulations matters regarding the confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law Guidelines (General Rules), controls employee access to areas where personal data is handled, and restricts the equipment, etc. that employees may bring into such areas. In addition, measures are taken to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal data.

  • Measures are taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal data, and measures are taken to prevent personal data from being easily discovered when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are carried, including during transportation within the business site.

*When the purpose of use is notified individually, it shall be based on that purpose of use.
*The above purpose of use, "to properly manage the contents of the contract" includes "use before entering into a contract" and "use after the contract is terminated.




当社は、個人情報の適切な取扱いを重要な責務と認識し、JIS Q 15001に準拠した個人情報保護管理を行ってまいりました。














  1. お取引先様から委託を受ける業務における個人情報

  2. Webシステムの設計、制作、運用を適切に実施するため

  3. マーケティングアウトソーシング業務を遂行するため

  4. お取引先様の個人情報

  5. 契約内容を適切に管理するため

  6. 採用応募者の個人情報

  7. 採用活動に関する情報提供・連絡のため

  8. 採用選考業務のため

  9. お問い合わせいただいた方の個人情報

  10. お問い合わせやご連絡内容を正確に把握し、対応するため











2-9-3 Sotokanda,

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan



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